8 Reasons For Dating Someone You’re Not Physically Attracted To

Things to consider when dating someone you’re not physically attracted to

Imagine this: you end up on a date with someone who seems to be your dream man. He calls and texts when he says he will. You’ve got many shared interests like yoga, cooking, and drinking fine wines. He’s kind, intelligent, and makes you laugh. He has a great job, and he hasn’t done any jail time. On paper, he’s the perfect match. It’s like the Universe finally answered the call you put out, and you can’t quite believe your luck.Sounds great, right? There’s just one problem: You’re not physically attracted to him. The physical attraction isn’t quite there. It’s not that he’s a bad-looking guy (far from it), but the chemistry feels off. You’re not entirely sure what it is, but there’s a disconnect, and you wish there weren’t.

So, what do you do when this happens? Should you be dating someone you’re not 100% physically attracted to? Can that attraction build over time? Or is it unfair to keep dating a guy when you’re not fully into him, only to break things off in the near future?

Keep reading because I’ll be answering all of these questions and more.

Do you want him or just want a relationship?


When you’re ready and open to meet someone and have a strong desire for a relationship, it’s easy to confuse that desire with attraction for someone. You don’t feel it for this guy, but you want to because you want to find love. So maybe you’re trying to force it to be a fit when it’s just not.

So before you go any further, ask yourself if you want someone in your life or this man in particular.

Are you emotionally distracted?

The second thing to consider is what else is going on in your life. If you went through a messy divorce or breakup, had a big career change, or have been under a lot of stress recently, this is likely to have flung you into an emotionally distracted state.

When you’ve already got too much on your plate, it’s difficult to be attracted to anyone, and it’s unfair to try and start something new when you don’t have the emotional capacity for it.

Give yourself the time you need to work through these emotions. Be honest with the man you’re dating right now. Only start dating again once you’re in the right head and heart space.

8 Reasons for dating someone you’re not physically attracted to at first

1. It takes the pressure off dating

The first reason why I would recommend dating someone you’re not attracted to is that it takes a heap of pressure off the dating process.

Do you remember the last time you met a guy who looked like the leading man straight out of a hit rom-com? Chances are you automatically became more self-conscious and found yourself in a fluster. Maybe you were trying hard to impress him or even presenting a version of yourself that you thought he would like. This is normal.

Remove the physical attraction, and you’ll no longer feel self-conscious about how you look, how you sound, or whether you’re interesting enough. There will be no pressure to “perform.” It’ll feel easy and comfortable, the same as it does when spending time with a friend. And you can focus all your energy on building emotional attraction with this man and seeing if your personalities and values match.

2. Remember that physical attraction fades

When you’re thinking long-term, it doesn’t matter how sexy you both are or how sexy you find each other. Because that physical spark will always fade over time, this is normal. Eventually, you get so used to someone’s appearance that the physical chemistry fizzles. This is as good of a reason as any to keep dating someone you’re not physically attracted to.

We live in a world that places such high importance on physical appearance. Many of us are obsessed with how we look and how other people look, most of which is perpetuated by the media. We only post photos on our social media that show us in our very best light and add filters to make further improvements. On dating apps, we make instant judgments about people based on a couple of photos of them.

Physical attraction is nice to have, but what if you shifted how you think about attraction? How attractive somebody is comes down to so much more than their appearance. You could meet the hunkiest man you’ve ever laid eyes on, only to find he has nothing interesting to say and is about as dull and dry as a cheese-less cracker.

If you’re looking for a relationship and love that lasts, it’s important to get to know guys on a deeper level and see if there is an emotional attraction.

3. It can stop you from choosing the wrong men

man and woman first date

Dating someone you’re not physically attracted to is a great way to avoid dating men who aren’t good for you.

You might have a “type” that you always go for. But just because your type is tall, dark, handsome bad boys who have tattoo sleeves and drive Harleys, that doesn’t mean you should only date guys who fit into this narrow box. You might love lobster rolls, but does that mean you should only consume lobster rolls? No! Imagine what you’d miss out on… ramen, pizza, mac & cheese, ice cream, peanut butter cups…

If you’ve been consistently unlucky in love and believe you’re under the one-date curse, it’s time to widen your search. There’s no better place to start than dating someone who looks different from your usual type. Someone who you might usually overlook. They say don’t judge a book by its cover, but far too many of us are still guilty of this.

4. Attraction can take time to grow

How often have you witnessed a man and a woman start as friends only to develop romantic feelings for each other? This is a classic example of how attraction genuinely does take time to build.

When you meet someone in person for the first time, you see them in a very controlled, pre-planned setting. There’s only so much of them you can see when you go for a drink or grab dinner together. You haven’t yet had a chance to see how they interact with their friends and family, how they respond to stress or act in a crisis, or how generous and supportive they are.

Seeing a man in all of these other scenarios can make you more attracted to him. Sometimes it will hit you out of the blue, and he’ll go from being a “mergh” to a straight-up ten out of ten. But only if you give it a chance.

5. It helps you focus on his personality

dating someone you're not physically attracted to

Have you ever been blown away by how hot a man is that you couldn’t think about anything else? You ended the night knowing no more than his first name and maybe what he’d look like shirtless.

The whole point of dating is that you get to know someone on a deeper level, and sometimes, very good-looking people make it difficult to focus on that!

Dating someone you’re not immediately physically attracted to also gives you room to focus on other, more important, things like his personality. Ultimately, looks fade, but personality, intelligence, humor, and values last.

6. You might share some deep values

That brings me nicely to the next point, which is all about values. One of the most important factors in a relationship standing the test of time and lasting long-term is shared values. Are you aligned on where you want to live, the kind of lifestyle you want to lead, and whether you want to get married and have kids?

Dating someone you’re not physically attracted to allows you to discuss these important things and determine if you’re compatible in the long run. You might find you’re a sensational match when it comes to values.

Your time is far too precious to waste it dating men who don’t fit into the future you want to build.

7. It’s sexy when someone “gets you”

One of the best parts of a relationship is the closeness you form, where you are best friends and understand each other almost better than anyone else. It takes a long time for a connection to develop organically this way, which is why dating someone you’re not initially physically attracted to could lead to something special.

So if you’re unsure about the man you’re dating, ask yourself if you enjoy spending time with him. Is he a good listener? Is he demonstrating that he’s interested in learning more about who you are and what makes you tick? Are your love languages compatible? Do you feel comfortable with him?

When someone just “gets you” in a way that most others don’t, they score a ton of points on the sexy-ometer.

8. It will expand your mind

dating someone you're not physically attracted to

You know when you meet someone from a different country or culture, and they snap you out of the little bubble you’ve been living in, in a very good way? This is why we love to travel, eat new things, and have new experiences. All of it expands our horizons and brings something new to our lives. Dating someone you’re not physically attracted to can be a wonderful way to do this.

Dating someone who isn’t your “usual” type and who you wouldn’t usually spend time with will force you out of your comfort zone and help you have new, interesting conversations. This is the heart of all first dates: having a unique experience with a new person.

So what if it doesn’t end up leading somewhere? At least you put yourself out there, and you’ll learn a lot you can carry with you on your dating journey.

How to date someone you’re not physically attracted to

Have I convinced you to give that guy a chance and see if attraction builds? If so, here are some extra tips for dating someone you’re not physically attracted to.

1. Have an open mind

There is so much more to beauty than the narrow definition that society has come to over the years. Sometimes it takes a while to truly see and appreciate someone’s beauty. Maybe it’s when he wrinkles his nose when he laughs. Maybe his entire face lights up when he talks about his business.

When you let go of your learned definitions of beauty, you might just be surprised. Have an open mind with every man you date. After all, you’d want them to be open-minded about you and not judge you at face value, right?

2. Give him three dates

You don’t need me to tell you that first dates can be awkward. Half the population is introverted, and it takes a while to feel comfortable with someone new. People get nervous. Both of you are trying to present the best version of yourselves and figure out whether there are mutual grounds here that can develop into something.

My rule is if you’re dating someone you’re not physically attracted to and unsure if he’s right for you, give him three dates. Three dates is a good amount of time to see more of someone’s personality and gauge whether there’s emotional attraction. If there is, you can build on this.

3. Focus on what you like about him

As I mentioned, physical attraction always fades, and in a long-term relationship, you will spend a lot of time together. If most of your attraction to a man is physical, you’re not going to love living with him.

So, for now, forget the physical side of things, and focus on what you like about him. Is it that you have a similar sense of humor? Do you both love watching documentaries on Gaia or swimming in the ocean? These common interests and shared values are a great foundation for a happy, long-lasting relationship.

should you date someone you're not attracted to

4. Think about long-term compatibility

It’s natural to initially judge someone based on appearance, especially when you don’t have much else to go on. This is why dating apps can be tricky to navigate because you’re usually basing your decision to chat with someone on how cute their profile photo is.

But if you’re looking for something long-term, you must think long-term instead of being blindsided by the here and now. How compatible are you? Are you both looking for similar things in a relationship? Do you want kids, and how do you want to raise them?

These things are way more important than how much you want to drag them into the bedroom with you. You’ve got to make sure that the man you choose is someone you can learn to love being around outside the bedroom too.

5. Build an emotional connection

Have you ever met a guy who was smoking hot, and you really liked him? But after a series of dates, things just naturally fizzled out. He got bored, didn’t want to commit, and pulled away.

This has happened to most women at least once in their life. Usually, it’s caused by focusing too much on a physical connection and not taking the time to build an emotional connection. This emotional attraction and connection take you from dating to wanting to be in a committed relationship.

So if you’re dating someone you’re not physically attracted to, this is a golden opportunity to open up and focus on building an emotional connection.


If there’s one thing I’d love you to take away from this article, it’s that physical attraction fades. Is there a better reason than that to date someone you’re not immediately attracted to?

What’s the worst that could happen? After three dates, you still don’t feel attracted to him in any way, so you don’t see him again, and you move on to the next guy.

Are you dating someone you’re not physically attracted to, or have you ever done so in the past? I’d love to hear your story, so drop it in the comments below!

The post 8 Reasons For Dating Someone You’re Not Physically Attracted To appeared first on Love Strategies.

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How to Have a New Year’s Relationship Check-in


How to Have a New Year’s Relationship Check-in

Make your relationship your New Year’s resolution and reap the benefits of a happy, healthy, and meaningful year!

When the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve, many of us turned to one another for a kiss and we celebrated. Did you take stock of how the last year has been, and think about what the new year will bring?

Very few of us sit down with our partner, the most important one in our life, to have a relationship check-in and make resolutions for our relationship. Below we present some helpful questions to ask and topics to explore, and provide you with an exercise to make the process easier for you. Finally, we’ll make some recommendations for resolutions to ensure that this year is the best year yet for your relationship.


It’s no secret that relationships take work. All couples have misunderstandings, distractions, and disagreements, and it takes commitment to bridge the gaps between us when they occur. One gift the near year gives us is the opportunity for one or more intimate conversations to check the vitals in our marriage. Where do you start?

The most logical place to start is to share your reflections about your own life with your partner. Under ideal relationship conditions, you would already be fully aware of one another’s current hopes, goals, and most importantly, life dreams. But the rush of every day always seems to get in the way. The jobs, kids, extended family, and other challenges life throws our way. So instead of plunging into an intense conversation, how about preparing yourself by just sticking a toe into the water first?

The perfect way to start would be a more lighthearted Q&A session with some help from our Card Decks App that will let you deepen your connection. So make some popcorn, brew up a pot of coffee or hot cocoa, get cozy with your partner, and just talk.


As you start a check-in of your relationship, you’ll find it’s much easier to target the areas that are working well. If you can also address the issues that need attention without getting agitated, you can set goals for the relationship.


Once you’ve completed the exercise above, you and your partner have done the hard work to evaluate the health of your relationship. Hopefully you’ll come out of the process with a greater understanding of each other and your relationship.

After you decide on your resolutions, be sure to discuss how you will observe and measure the results of your work toward your mutual goals. We recommend revisiting them on a regular basis so you can stay on target throughout the year.

Make your relationship your New Year’s resolution and reap the benefits of a happy, healthy, and meaningful year!

The post How to Have a New Year’s Relationship Check-in appeared first on The Gottman Institute.

Center for Relationship Wellness

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How To Date Smarter & Successfully In 17 Steps

This is how to date smarter & more successfully this year

Dating can be intimidating and frustrating if you don’t know how to date smarter with a strategy and set yourself up for success. This is not about playing games; it’s about having a support structure that will help you find a high-value man who aligns with your love vision and the future you want to build.

Yes, we should follow our heart when searching for the one, but we’ve also got to use our heads to ensure we don’t get carried away by a fantasy that doesn’t exist. If you’ve been unlucky in love a lot or continue to attract toxic, emotionally unavailable men, you’ve got some work to do before you find what you’re searching for. Follow these steps, and you’ll save time, energy, and heartache on your way to a healthy, loving connection with the man of your dreams.

Today’s dating landscape is more fast-paced than ever before, and if you’re newly single or need help finding love, this article is for you.

1. Learn to love yourself

Little Love Step #1 of my 7 Little Love Steps is to build your sexy confidence, tap into your feminine energy and learn to love yourself so that you automatically position yourself as a high-value woman. When a woman values herself and knows what she brings to the table, other people can see and feel it. There’s nothing more attractive than this in a woman, and it has nothing to do with appearance.

So if you always attract low-value men and unhealthy relationships, I’d recommend taking a step back from dating and working on you. Invest in your health, work, hobbies, and social life. Practice self-care. Learn to love life as a single woman and appreciate all you have to offer.

love yourself

2. Think about why you’re single

If you’ve been single for a while but want a relationship, reflect on why that might be. Are there patterns you continue to repeat that are holding you back from attracting what you want? It’s all about figuring out what your dating blind spots are.

For example, a negative dating pattern might be that you are too picky. You rarely match with someone on dating apps, and first dates rarely lead to a second. Perhaps you’re focusing on the wrong things when evaluating a guy’s potential.

Another example is attracting emotionally unavailable men who won’t commit. Instead of picking up on the subtle (or not-so-subtle) red flags that these men are not ready for a relationship, you continue to invest your time and energy into them and end up hurt.

If you’re unsure why you’re single, ask someone you trust who knows you well to give you their honest opinion. Alternatively, consider working with a dating coach to help you better understand yourself and where you’re going wrong.

Once you’ve identified the problem, work on solving it. For example, if you tend to be too picky, commit to a second date with every guy (unless he’s a psycho). If you keep attracting commitment-phobes, make it clear early on what you’re looking for and see if you’re on the same page. If you’re not, that’s your cue to walk away.

3. Be at peace with being single

Here’s how to date smarter and more successfully this year: embrace being single. Of course, we all want to find love and be loved. But the reality is a relationship won’t complete you and won’t make you happy or confident. That’s on you.

Plus, if you’re not comfortable and content with being single, this will shine through when you’re out meeting new people, and it can make you settle for men and relationships that aren’t good for you.

So start looking for things to be grateful for and things you love about being single. Maybe it’s the fun and excitement of meeting new people from different backgrounds. Perhaps it’s being able to invest more time in yourself and your hobbies or having your house organized and decorated exactly the way you like it.

happy single woman

4. Create your love vision

Now you’re ready to create a love vision (this is Little Love Step #2). Take time to reflect on the man and relationship compatible with your future. The man who’s right for you may not necessarily match with the man you think you want.

This exercise will help clarify what you want so that you’ll know how to choose the right man and avoid wasting time in the wrong relationship. Focus more on writing down qualities and characteristics you’re looking for rather than height or how much he looks like The Rock.

5. Be open-minded

To learn how to date smarter more successfully, you’ve got to do it with an open mind. Having a “type” will close you off from meeting many amazing men with whom you could potentially fall in love and have a wonderful relationship.

It’s great to have shared interests, and it’s important to have shared values. But it’s okay if he has different interests or isn’t your usual “type.” For example, don’t automatically write off a guy because he says he “loves the gym” and you would rather poke your eyes out than step foot in a gym. You might be a great match!

Open your mind, and you’ll find you have a lot more luck when dating.

6. Stay safe

A quick note on safety: stay alert when meeting new people and going out. Make sure you put your comfort and safety first. If a man doesn’t understand your need to feel safe (i.e., meet in an open public place, not go for a walk with him late at night in an unlit street, etc.), then he’s not worth investing your time in.

You’re right to be concerned and over-cautious when meeting a stranger or someone you’ve only met a handful of times. Always let someone know where you’re going, meet in a busy neutral place, and don’t have more than one drink on a first date so you can maintain a clear head.

7. Have a positive attitude

Here’s a great tip for how to date smarter more successfully: be positive! I know it’s easy to get discouraged if you go on a string of bad dates with guys who aren’t your cup of tea. But maybe you’re looking at things the wrong way.

What if you decided to walk into every first date with a completely open mind and look at it as a chance to meet someone new and gain a fresh perspective? What if you didn’t see it as two hours of your life you’ll never get back but rather two more hours of solid dating practice?

Go into every date with the mindset of laughing a lot, enjoying your favorite drink, and having a new experience, regardless of whether it leads to another date. Positive energy is infectious. Your aura will draw high-energy, upbeat people toward you and make you much more attractive.

8. Start meeting quality men

how to date

Now you’re ready to get out there and start meeting high-quality men who meet your love vision (this is what I call Little Love Step #3).

“But Adam, all the good guys in my town are either taken or gay!”


There are plenty of amazing, single, high-value men; you just need to know where to look for them. So if you haven’t met any, you’re looking in the wrong places!

Give dating apps and match-making services a go, but opt for ones tailored to the kind of man you’re looking for. E.g., if you’re looking for someone who is a devout Christian just like you, Christian Mingle would be a great one to join.

Make sure you say yes to invites to gatherings and parties that come your way, and get out of your comfort zone and talk to new people while you’re there. Heck, talk to new people wherever you are: at the grocery store, coffee house, or even the dentist!

Let yourself be introduced to new people and set up by friends and family (as long as they know you well). Volunteer in your local community. Join a sports club (this is a great place to meet high-value men).

9. Join (or start) a singles group

When you’re single, you’ve got to be around other single people. So if you don’t have many single friends, join a local singles group. If you can’t find one, start one!

Most singles groups will host fun meetups like happy hour drinks, casual dinners, morning hikes, etc., where everyone brings along one single person. This is a fantastic way to meet new people in a safe, informal setting.

10. Keep dates short

I tell all my clients to keep first dates to around an hour long and, at most, 90 minutes.


Because that’s plenty of time to connect with someone in real life, and it leaves you wanting to know more.

If you click with a guy and feel a spark, it can be tempting to lose yourself in the moment and spend the entire weekend together. The problem with this is you’re going way too fast, too soon, and it can cause him to pull away. You’ve got to make him work harder than that for you—men like a challenge.

11. Brush up on your flirting skills

Here’s a crash course in flirting.

93% of communication is nonverbal. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what you say; it matters how you say it.

To show a man that you’re interested, use the S.T.E.P. method:

  • Smile while talking (I call this “smalking”)
  • Touch (a strong indicator of interest)
  • Eye contact
  • Posture and positioning (tall, shoulders back. Be like Beyoncé!)


  • Crossed arms
  • An “I’m too cool for you” look
  • A deer in headlights look
  • Fidgeting or playing with your hair
  • Inattentiveness or staring at your phone
  • Masculine body language

Remember, the more people you meet and the more dates you go on, the more you get to flirt your butt off!

I go into more detail on these flirting techniques in my love accelerator program, which you can learn more about here.

12. Date multiple people at once

One of the best lessons in how to date smarter and more successfully is not to put all your eggs in one basket and explore new connections with many people (Little Love Step #4). Play the field. Have fun. Don’t narrow your options down before you need to.

Most women get hurt when dating because they invest all their energy in one guy. The problem is that when you’re more invested than he is, it puts him in a position of power. And if he ghosts or pulls away, you’ll feel the loss because you’d pinned all your hopes on that donkey.

13. Be clear about wanting a relationship (if that’s what you want)

how to date

If you’re looking for something serious, then don’t hide it! Your time is far too valuable to waste on a man or connection that is going nowhere fast.

Don’t worry about scaring a man off by being honest about your intentions. If he bails, he’s probably a serial commitment-phobe who wouldn’t have lasted anyway. You’re doing yourself a favor weeding out guys like that now rather than later when stronger feelings are involved.

Part of having a healthy, successful relationship is being able to communicate openly and express your needs. Laying your chips on the table requires courage and vulnerability, and that’s sexy.

14. And if you do want a relationship, skip the first date sex

Look, I know there’s a lot of conflicting advice on this topic. So before I say this, I want you to know it’s not coming from a weird, patriarchal, sexist place.

If you’re at a stage where you want to enjoy no-strings-attached hookups, that’s great! But if you want something more serious, having sex on a first date is unlikely to lead there. It kills the sexual tension and mystery and doesn’t give the guy anything to work for.

Plus, men are wired differently from women. We’re able to have sex and not catch feelings for a woman. But it’s very difficult for women to have sex and walk away without having emotionally bonded on some level with the guy in question. So save yourself the heartache, and keep things PG for a while until you get to know each other.

15. Practice pacing

While you’re out there dating lots of guys and being your fabulous self, remember to pace (Little Love Step #5).

If a connection is going well, and you meet a guy you really like, it’s natural to want to stop dating other people, spend a lot of time with him, and jump into boyfriend and girlfriend territory. But what I want you to do is slow things down even more.


Because this will make men pursue you even harder. Plus, it lets you decide who you want to be exclusive with. That’s a big deal, so don’t rush it.

16. Don’t be afraid to say “NEXT!”

Remember, if you spot a red flag, your values clash, or you’ve gone on three dates, and you’re still not feeling a connection, don’t be afraid to walk away.

A high-value woman always knows she has walking power and won’t waste her time on something she can’t see lasting or aligning with her future.

17. Remember that good things take time to develop

The final lesson in how to date smarter and more successfully is to accept that great things take time to build. Nothing amazing happens overnight. So don’t try to rush the process; rather, enjoy it! Remember, once you meet your person, you’re potentially never going to be single and dating again like this, so make the most of your freedom, have fun, and stay hopeful!

how to date


Now that you’ve got a solid strategy to follow, what is the first step you’re going to take to change things up and start dating smarter and more successfully, starting today?

Tell me in the comments below!

The post How To Date Smarter & Successfully In 17 Steps appeared first on Love Strategies.

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23 First Date Red Flags To Watch Out For – Next!

First date red flags to watch out for

You might think that first date red flags are pretty easy to spot. Ranting about his ex? Red flag. Asking you to come back to his place to “watch Netflix and chill?” Red flag. Answering a phone call and chatting to one of his buddies in the middle of dinner for something that cannot be described as an emergency? Red flag. NEXT! But what if you’re not clued in on how to spot red flags on a first date? What if you keep having the wool pulled over your eyes, then finding out many dates (or even a relationship) later that the man opposite you is bad news? What if you miss the more subtle red flags on a date? I’ve compiled every red flag you could think of into this list.

1. He’s late and he doesn’t have a good reason

First up, on first date red flags to watch out for, is punctuality. Now, there are times when you or your date will have a legitimate reason for turning up late. There might have been a family emergency. His car might unexpectedly break down or be involved in a crash. Or there might be an insane amount of unexpected traffic on the road. These are valid reasons for being late. But unless he is physically unable to pick up the phone and send a text or call you to say he’s going to be late, it’s a red flag. If he’s going to be late by any more than 5 minutes and doesn’t think you deserve a heads-up, this shows a lack of respect and consideration for you and your time.

2. He talks about money

It’s important to talk about money and finances as you delve deeper into committing to each other. But on a first date? It’s a no-no. If a man starts talking about how much money he makes or asks you how much you make, it’s bound to make you cringe, and for a good reason. That’s not an appropriate conversation with someone you’ve just met. It feels invasive and too much too soon. Similarly, if a guy keeps talking about the price of everything, i.e., how expensive the wine is, how expensive his watch is, or how it’s shocking how much a loaf of bread is these days, that’s also a huge red flag. A first date is for getting to know each other, not discussing money!

3. He talks about sex

Sex is up there on first date red flags. Asking what your favorite sexual position is, how many guys you’ve slept with, bragging about how many women he has slept with, or making inappropriate references to sex. It’s not the topic of sex that is the issue. It’s more that you’ve just met for the first time in person, and he has no idea what your comfort level is. There’s a high chance he doesn’t care and just wants to get jiggy. Someone genuinely interested in getting to know you and wants to make you feel comfortable won’t venture into such intimate conversations on a first date.

4. He’s moving way too fast

man moving too fast on a date It’s great if you instantly connect with someone on a first date and have deeper conversations about what you’re both looking for and where you see yourselves in five years. But, and this is a big but, there is such a thing as too much too soon. If a guy starts talking about the future on a first date as though it’s already fully mapped out in his head, like where you’ll live, when you’ll get married, how many kids you’ll have, it’s a red flag. The problem is, it can be difficult to spot this one because he might be saying all the things you want to hear! But he doesn’t know you, and you don’t know him. Don’t let yourself get carried away. Be the one to hit the brakes and tell him to slow things down.

5. He says he isn’t looking for anything serious

If you’re dating to find love and something long-term, when a man says this to you, listen. This is a clear red flag, not code for “the right woman will make me want to settle down.” Don’t assume you can change his mind. He’s either on the rebound, enjoying casual hookups, or isn’t emotionally or financially stable. All of these are good reasons not to go on a second date.

6. He insists on ordering for you

Red flags in dating are not always easy to spot. If a man asks you out to dinner, then proceeds to order food for both of you when the waiter walks over, your first reaction might be, “I feel like a Bond girl,” or “wow, this is a huge turn-on.” Many women do find this endearing and romantic. It could be harmless. He might know the best dishes to order because it’s his favorite restaurant, or he might be trying to impress you. You’ll only see if it’s a red flag if you insist on ordering for yourself and he doesn’t let you. This is a sign of someone who is controlling. how to spot red flags on a first date

7. He’s constantly checking his phone or watch

Unless the man you’re on a first date with has kids or a sick family member they are caring for and needs to check their phone or keep it close by in case of an emergency; there is no excuse for this. Checking your phone, or worse, your watch, on a first date is a major red flag. It’s just incredibly rude. If he can’t give you his full attention the first time he meets you for a few hours, imagine what he’ll be like in the future. You might find yourself out for dinner to celebrate your wedding anniversary, and he whacks out his laptop next to the bread basket and starts a conference call. Phones should be silent and out of sight when you’re on a date, even if you’re a married couple who have been together for years!

8. He criticizes his ex or other women

What are red flags on a first date? Talking badly about exes, or women in general. A first date is too soon to broach the topic of exes. There isn’t a good reason to bring it up unless he’s answering a question and the answer directly involves his ex. So if a man deems it appropriate to bring up his ex and badmouth her, friends, co-workers, or people around you, it’s not a good sign. He’s probably the kind of guy who blames others for everything and isn’t willing to take responsibility for anything. There’s also the possibility that he’s a narcissist. Plus, first dates are meant to be light, breezy, and fun!

9. He’s rude to people

Pay attention to how your date treats you. Is he kind? Does he listen? Is he thoughtful? Does he make you feel at ease? But at the same time, pay attention to how he treats other people. For example, when you’re on a first date in a bar, how does he treat the bartender? Is he polite, patient, and a good tipper? Or is he rude, demanding, or condescending? This is important because you’re not a kind person if you’re only nice to people you think you need to be nice to or can benefit from.

10. He makes fun of you

Know the difference between an opinion, light-hearted bantering or teasing, and being offensive. It’s okay if your date disagrees with you and has a different opinion, as long as it’s not racist or sexist, etc. It’s normal to have different views because you’re different people. Similarly, bantering or teasing is one of the ways that men (and some women) flirt. If it feels harmless and light-hearted and only happens once or twice, it’s probably his way of flirting. Don’t be afraid to give as good as you get and poke him back! But if you feel offended and like he has crossed a line and gone out of his way to put you down and make you feel embarrassed or ashamed, that’s a red flag. It’s not okay, even if he says he’s joking.

11. He doesn’t respect your boundaries

This is one of the big first date red flags to watch out for. For example, let’s say you want to end the first date after a couple of hours and get home because you’ve got a big day at work tomorrow. If you tell him this, but he tries to convince you to stay, he isn’t respecting your boundaries. If he tries to kiss you at the end of the night, and you pull away because you don’t want to, and then he throws his toys out of the pram or tries to make you feel guilty for not kissing him, he doesn’t respect your boundaries. Pay attention to these seemingly small incidents.

12. He doesn’t understand your need to feel safe

Unfortunately, the world is still a different, less safe world for women. When dating, you’ve got to constantly weigh up whether you think a man is a potential psycho, where you’re walking late at night, how you’re getting home, etc. Men take these things for granted and often don’t even think about them until a woman shares these experiences with them. But if you’re going on a first date and he insists on picking you up from your place, meeting you in a secluded area, or taking a walk at night down a dingy, un-lit street, you are right to be wary and say no. When you explain this to him, he should immediately understand your need to feel safe and want to make you feel comfortable. He should not get defensive or tell you he’s not a psycho or that you’re overreacting. This is a major first date red flag.

13. He has no opinion about anything

Some people are naturally chilled and easygoing. If they were any more laid back, they’d be horizontal. But there’s a difference between someone who is laid back and someone who has no opinion or doesn’t voice an opinion on anything. If he insists on you making all the decisions, like where to meet up and what to order at the bar, and doesn’t seem to give you a genuine response to anything you say, it’s a red flag.

14. He’s OTT with the romance

Most women love romance. They want to see men put more effort into wooing them. So, if a man pulls out all the stops with flowers, a frosted necklace, and champagne on tap on the first date and hints that he’s falling for you, shouldn’t you be happy about it? Maybe, but maybe not. Excessive displays of affection like this when you first meet someone is known as love bombing. This is how some men build intimacy and trust fast and lull women into a false sense of security. They do this because they want immediate validation from you and want to eventually control you. Beware of this first date red flag. You’re not acting spoiled or ungrateful when over-the-top displays of affection freak you out on a first date with a guy you didn’t know two weeks ago.

15. He can’t let the tiny details go

Have you ever been on a first date with a guy who was a stickler for tiny, unimportant details? Maybe he kept bringing up who messaged who first online. Maybe you ask him a question, and he coldly tells you that he already answered it (weird). And you know that guys like this always want to split the bill at the end of the date. That’s not a red flag in itself, but if he wants to itemize every drink and entrée you ordered to the cent, the chances of him bagging himself a second date with you go south real fast, and rightly so.

16. He complains a lot

Look, we all have bad days and fires to put out in life. But is a first date the appropriate setting to vent about how bad the traffic is in town, how slow the wi-fi is in your house, or how much you hate your job? No! This is a serious first date red flag. First dates are meant to be fun. You’re both meant to put your best foot forward and make a good impression while being true to who you are. Even if he’s got serious problems, like, Wholefoods just discontinued his favorite brand of coconut oil, this is not the time and place to state your grievances.

17. He doesn’t listen to you

man not listening He might be an ignorant extrovert, he might be a narcissist, or he might have missed the manners lesson at school. But regardless of the reason, if a man is not listening to you on a first date, what makes you think he will listen to you any other time? Listening is integral to communication, and healthy communication is essential for a healthy, long-lasting relationship. So if he can’t listen to you for one minute or constantly talks over you, it’s disrespectful and a sign of worse things.

18. He gives you too many backhanded compliments

This is commonly known as “negging” amongst millennials. If you’ve ever been unsure whether you were just complimented or insulted, you were probably on the receiving end of a backhanded compliment. Here are some examples: “You look great for a woman in her 40s.” “I don’t usually go for curvy women, but you’re hot.” “You’re good-looking, but you’d be even better-looking if you made more effort with your appearance.” Usually, men give backhanded compliments to women to make them feel insecure enough to seek their approval. In some cases, this is how pickup artists operate. It’s manipulative, and it’s unkind.

19. He’s swerving all your questions

Some people are shy or introverted (or both) and might be quiet on a first date. But if you have asked them a question like, “what’s the most memorable vacation you’ve ever been on,” and they mumble something or return your question with another question, that’s not normal. Who’s to say he’s not an undercover spy or on the run? Similarly, if you’re asking questions about what he’s looking for from the dating process and he avoids answering or says something wishy-washy like, “let’s just see where things go,” that’s a red flag. The whole point of a first date is that you get to know each other better and figure out if you have shared interests and a real connection. How can you do that when you’re on a date with someone who seems allergic to questions?

20. He cancels plans to hang out with you

You’ve just met this man, and already he’s going to cancel plans with friends/family/co-workers after one date to spend time with you? This screams desperation and neediness. Plus, there’s a good chance that he’ll expect you to do the same. Of course, you want to be with someone who makes you a priority, but that shouldn’t happen so early on in the stages of dating!

21. Everything is about him

what are red flags on a first date Did you ever get to the end of a date and learn a guy’s entire life story, including how he was a baby model for Pampers and his proposal to stop global warming? There’s just one hiccup: you barely spoke, and he knows practically nothing about you because he spent the entire date talking about himself and didn’t bother to ask you any questions. This is a major first date red flag. It points to someone who is only thinking about themselves and doesn’t have the capacity to care about anyone else.

22. Things get too deep too soon

This is slightly different from a man discussing sex or a future with you on a first date. I’m talking about when a man starts sharing deeply personal things about his life with you. For example, childhood abuse or the death of a parent or child. These are the heaviest types of conversations we can have with others, and bringing them up on a first date is a strong indication that he still has unresolved issues, emotions, and trauma relating to that experience. This is a major red flag—he shouldn’t be dating anyone, he should be speaking to a therapist.

23. He uses a nickname instead of your name

Finally, one of the red flags to watch out for on a first date is a man who instantly calls you by a nickname. That is only really appropriate once you’ve been dating for a while. It might make your heart flutter when he rolls out names like “baby,” “sweetheart,” and “gorgeous,” but chances are he’s doing it because he has forgotten your name or didn’t bother to learn it at all. He’s a serial player, and he’s talking to so many women that the only way he can avoid messing up is to use generic pet names like these with everybody.


I want you to enjoy dating and go on first dates excited, ready to flirt and have a beautiful experience. But I also want you to be prepared and avoid getting hurt, scammed, or wasting time with a guy who isn’t a good long-term match for you. So carry these with you in the back of your mind, but remember to have fun! Have you got any more first date red flags you always keep an eye out for that aren’t on this list? Share them with me in the comments below! The post 23 First Date Red Flags To Watch Out For – Next! appeared first on Love Strategies.

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6 Ways to Be a High-Value Woman Men Desire


6 Ways to Be a High-Value Woman Men Desire

Have you ever really liked a guy, but he never appreciated you or saw you in a romantic way? A high-value woman is not afraid to set boundaries.

You might think it’s because you’re not beautiful or smart enough or your job isn’t fancy-pants enough for him. But honestly, value has very little to do with these surface-level things.

Value is a perception. It’s all about how you act, the energy you put out there, and the boundaries you set.

Here are 6 ways to be a high-value woman that men desire.

  1. Recognize your value

If you don’t believe you’re high value, no one else will!

I spoke to a client the other day who is a super successful 46-year-old writer living in NYC.

She asked me, “why would anyone want to date me?”

And I said, “you’re right; why would anyone want to date you.”

*Shocked face* Oh no, he didn’t…

If you don’t believe you’re high value or that any man would be lucky to date you, you will automatically lower your value and send out a signal that only attracts losers.

When you raise your value in your eyes, you will no longer accept low-value behavior and will start attracting high-value men.

It all starts with you.

  1. Be comfortable just being imperfect

When someone tries to be perfect all the time, it feels like they’re wearing a mask. You never quite get the sense that you know who they truly are. Everything feels cold, awkward, and yucky.

Compare this to when you meet someone comfortable with their imperfection. For example, maybe they snort when they laugh or embrace their clumsiness when they spill water all over the table at dinner.

It’s so much easier to like imperfect people because they’re relatable. None of us are perfect. We all have flaws, and we all make mistakes. Embracing that makes people like you more.

So the next time you’re out meeting new people, be comfortable being your authentic self.

You don’t need to hide who you are.

  1. Make men earn your affection

A study showed that we are inclined to like people more if they start off disliking us, then warm to us over time.


Because we had to earn their friendship, trust, and respect. It wasn’t easy, so it was far more satisfying when we finally got there.

This applies to everything in life.

Let’s say you go on a first date with a guy. You don’t know him. He could be a total psycho. You’re right to be wary and take it slow.

But you grow to like him more over time and invest more time and energy in him. This makes him value you more because he has to earn your affection and win you over.

And if he doesn’t invest in you and try to earn your affection? Time to say, “NEXT!”

  1. Set boundaries of what’s acceptable behavior from men

Another client of mine had gone out with this guy a handful of times, and she really liked him.

But one day, he randomly turned up at her door, completely out of the blue. And she didn’t know how to handle it.

I told her to tell him something to the tune of, “I really enjoy spending time with you (his name), but in the future, can you please let me know when you’re coming by because I like to make plans.”

This is her setting a boundary. A high-value woman is not afraid to set those boundaries.

Now it’s time to see if he respects it or oversteps it.

Low-value men will try to control you and constantly push your boundaries. But high-value men don’t want to be with women they can walk all over.

  1. Always remember you have walking power

This is not about walking away anytime you have a hiccup in your relationship. But if you’ve tried to fix it and make it work and the connection isn’t working, remember you can walk away any time. You can always go back to Little Love Step #1 and start again.

A high-value woman carries this in the back of her mind and makes her act differently when dating.

Men can sense that they will lose you if they don’t step up in the relationship. And if he isn’t stepping up, he deserves to lose you.

  1. High-value women meet high-value men in high-value places

In case you don’t know, nightclubs and local dive bars are terrible places to meet high-value men!

Think about where high-value men spend time in your local area.

Maybe they attend philanthropic community events, hang out at the golf or tennis club, or head to elite singles events.

If you always meet low-value men, you’re not spending time in the right places!

Surround yourself with high-value men, and you’ll end up with a high-value man.

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15 Crucial Tips For Dating After Divorce With Kids

15 steps to take when dating after divorce with kids

Dating after divorce can be a challenging path to navigate, but doing it with kids is even more tricky.

It’s not just your wants and needs to be mindful of. And unlike with a regular breakup sans kids, you can’t just cut all contact and move on with your life because your ex is your kid’s father and will have to remain in your life to some extent. So dating again after divorce with kids comes with much more responsibility, baggage, and feelings to consider.

It’s natural for your kids to find the whole situation confusing and maybe even heartbreaking. Seeing their parents move on and start dating again is confirmation that this separation is not temporary and you’re likely never getting back together. But I want you to know that you deserve to start dating again and find love—if you’re ready.

A 2019 study conducted by Worthy surveyed over 1,700 women across the US who have been and are going through a divorce, and the findings were interesting. By the time the divorce papers were signed, 78% of women had already started thinking about dating again, 65% were dating again within the first year of being separated or divorced, and 80% of those surveyed had kids. So be reassured that it’s normal to want to date again after divorce, and you are not selfish.

In this post, I’ll share useful tips for dating after divorce with kids so you can protect your heart and your kids as you navigate the dating world again.

1. Evaluate what went wrong

If your previous relationship ended on a sour note, it could be easy to fall into the trap of finger-pointing and issuing blame. Resist the temptation to do so because this will only keep you in a negative headspace and prevent you from fully moving on. A relationship involves two people, so you’ve both got to accept responsibility for the breakdown of it.

A more helpful approach after the divorce is to consider what went wrong. What made you incompatible? How did you end up here? What can you learn and carry with you into your next relationship to avoid repeating the same mistakes? Take some time to do this before you start dating again and jump into a new relationship. You’ll thank yourself for it down the road.

2. Don’t start dating right away

woman eating alone

That brings me nicely to my next tip, which is to give yourself a healthy amount of time and space before you start dating again. Both you and your kids need time to adjust and settle into your new reality. Even if your relationship broke down long before you divorced, you’ll still likely need time to reflect on what happened, grieve the relationship, learn from the past, and heal your heart.

Many people jump back into a rebound relationship out of fear of being alone. While there’s no set time to wait, I’d recommend giving yourself (and your kids) at least six months before dating again. Although many women tend to emotionally separate from their partners while still in the marriage, everyone is different. Wait until you feel ready to trust someone new. Use this time to work on yourself. Be there for your kids. Invest more time into your career, your friendships, and your hobbies.

3. How to find your next partner

I’m not going to sugarcoat this—dating after divorce is likely more challenging than before you got married and even more challenging with kids in the mix. Whether in your 30s, 40s, 50s, or beyond, you have to consider whether a potential partner is a good match for you and a suitable co-parent for your kids. So if you thought the dating pool was small before, expect it to have shrunk into what feels like a little puddle.

But here’s the great news: caring for kids means you’ve got way less time on your hands than you did the last time you were single, and time is more precious to you than it ever has been. In your 20s, you may have been content dating with a healthy dollop of nonchalance. But now? You don’t want to waste time dating the wrong men. Having your dating pool narrowed for you is a good thing.

Get clear on the qualities important to you (create a love vision: Little Love Step #2), then think about where you can meet men who fit this vision (Little Love Step #3).

4. Be (appropriately) open and honest with your kids

When you’re dating after divorce with kids, you must talk to them about your plan to start dating again. They don’t need the nitty gritty, intimate details. But they do need to know why you’re dating again. Explain that just like it’s important for them to hang out with kids their age, it’s important for you to do the same.

Make it clear that they will forever be your number one priority, and no man will change that. And make sure you back this up with how (and who) you choose to date. It’s also important to clarify that no man will replace their father because this will likely be a concern of theirs.

Go into this conversation expecting some resistance. Even if they seem supportive, look out for signs in the future that they weren’t telling you the whole truth. And if they are resistant or downright unwilling to accept you moving on, resist the urge to get defensive. Acknowledge their feelings, empathize with them, and give them extra cuddles. But don’t let this change your mind if you want to date. This is not a decision that your kids get to make.

5. Acknowledge they are likely to see you dating again as a threat

dating after divorce with kids

Even if your kids seem to be on board with you dating again after the divorce, recognize that a part of them will also, consciously or not, see it as a threat.

After a divorce, or even after one parent remarried, some kids cling to the belief that their parents will eventually get back together. Some even go as far as sabotaging new partners and scheming matchmaking plans (hello, The Parent Trap).


Because their identity is wrapped up in the family unit. The idea of that unit disintegrating threatens your kid’s sense of self, even if they maintain a strong relationship with both of you. It might feel like, since the separation, they don’t exist.

This isn’t meant to deter you from dating again after divorce with kids. It’s intended to prepare you for how your kids may react and encourage you to be open and honest with them as you dip your toes back into dating.

6. Seek help from a therapist

It’s common for your kids to say one thing to your face but keep their true feelings and concerns hidden. They might not have the courage to come clean and share their fears with you, or they might be worried about hurting your feelings or accidentally guilt-tripping you into not dating again. This is why enlisting a trusted therapist’s help can benefit both you and your kids. It will provide a safe space for them to be honest and chat about their concerns and feelings, and it can also help you improve how you communicate with your kids and co-parent with your ex.

7. Schedule regular parent & child time in your calendar

One of the main fears for kids when their parent(s) starts dating again after a divorce is that their time with you will be replaced by dates or time with a new partner. Your kids want to see you happy, but sometimes they need to be reassured that they are still loved, valued, and a priority.

So do what you can to put them at ease. Maybe that means scheduling regular one-on-one time with each of your kids. Make sure you’re fully present during this time and that your new partner is not involved, no matter how serious things get between you. Protect this sacred time fiercely, regardless of how busy life gets.

Ideally, you want to schedule dates when your kids aren’t with you, i.e., when they’re with your ex or perhaps sleeping over at friends. This isn’t always possible, but it can make a big difference to how your kids feel about you dating again.

8. Only make introductions if you’re serious

You want to avoid ending up in a situation where your door is revolving with new men every couple of months because this will seriously mess with your kids’ heads! Children must have a safe and stable environment where they trust the people around them. You know how messy breakups are, and the last thing you want is for your children to go through the emotional upset of that.

So, how long should you date before introducing your child to your new partner?

I recommend only introducing a new man to your kids if things are serious and you believe he is the guy. Wait until you’ve been in an exclusive relationship for at least six months and reached Little Love Step #7, where you’re ready to build a shared life vision together. Until then, keep dating and keep your kids separate.

9. Prep before the first meeting

tips for dating after divorce with kids

Once you’ve reached Little Love Step #7, it’s time to prepare before your partner and kids meet for the first time. Don’t just spring it on them; make sure they feel part of the process.

Give your kids some details about what you love about your new man. Next, tell them you think it might be nice for you all to meet. Ask them how they’d feel about going for lunch or dinner together. It’s best for the first meeting to occur in a neutral setting, not in one of your homes.

Make sure you also take the time to fill your partner in on your kids. Tell him about their interests, hobbies, and anything else that might help him engage in a meaningful conversation with them and make a good first impression.

10. Remember that every child will react differently

If you have more than one child, you’ll know better than anyone that every child is different, which means every child will react differently when introduced to your new partner.

Some kids are warm and welcoming, while others are more hesitant and quiet. You’ll have a good sense of your kids’ personalities and temperaments by this stage, so consider this. Go into this knowing there may be a range of reactions, and that’s okay.

11. Keep the first few meetings light & fun

Even after the first introduction, when you’re dating after divorce with kids, you’ve got to keep things light, bright, and fun! Avoid meetings at home for a little while. Avoid planning meetups on big dates like birthdays or during the holidays when many other people are around because this will be a distraction. And don’t spring surprise meetups on your kids or “accidentally” run into your partner in the park.

Plan a series of fun activities you can do together, like going to a movie, a water park, or a crazy golf course. Give your kids and your new partner time to build a genuine connection. Your partner might have kids too, so fun, neutral, kid-friendly settings like these are a great way for the kids to bond with each other.

12. No sleepovers unless you’re very serious!

tips for dating after divorce with kids

Grown-up sleepovers should not be happening unless you’ve reached Little Love Step #7! How you navigate this will depend on both your values. But kids learn more not from what you say but from watching what you do.

Sleepovers get the green light when your kids are out of town staying with their dad or friends. But try and keep it away from your kids. It won’t be long before your 16-year-old daughter asks if her boyfriend Sam can stay the night. Although you can play the age card, it will be more challenging to lay down the law if men you’re dating constantly try to sneak out of the house unnoticed.

13. Avoid step-discipline

How you discipline your kids should be a conversation you and your ex have. New partners, even after getting remarried, should not be chiming in. It’s all too common for a step-parent to try and discipline their step-child, only to have them shout, “well, you’re not even my real dad anyway!” And we all know that those conversations never end well.

Of course, your partner can speak to you about any issues or concerns they have. But it should then be 100% on you to proceed however you decide to. This will protect your relationship with your kids and their relationship with your new man.

14. Encourage the other parent relationship

As you move on with dating after divorce with your kids, be considerate and respectful of your ex. Don’t flaunt a new partner in front of them. Let them know you’re dating because you don’t want them to find out from your kid’s, worse, a mutual friend. If you plan on moving in together or getting married, let them know, but keep the details to a minimum to avoid rubbing it in their face.

As your kids build a relationship with your new man, they may feel guilty, thinking they’re betraying their father. So be sure to set the record straight, and make sure they maintain a strong relationship with your ex (unless, of course, you believe he is not a positive role model for them).

15. Getting married again can be a beautiful thing

getting remarried

The final thing to know when dating after divorce with kids is that remarriage happens all the time, and it can be a wonderful thing as long as you choose the right person!

Although your new partner will never replace your kids’ parents, having two adults living in a house together does provide a healthy example of love and relationships. Plus, if you’re happy and thriving, you’ll be able to be a better role model for your kids.

If there is a wedding on the cards, make sure your kids have a voice in it. Involve them in planning little things like catering or outfits, and even have them involved in walking down the aisle with you if appropriate. This will help your kids feel like active participants in your new marriage.


You deserve to be happy and find love again, and even if your kids are hesitant at first, they want this for you too!

Have you started dating again since your divorce? Or are you thinking about dating again? I’d love to know your biggest challenge—share your story in the comments below!

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How to Deal With Passive-Aggressive Behavior in Your Relationship

How to Deal With Passive-Aggressive Behavior in Your Relationship

Whether it’s a backhanded compliment or a subtle eye-roll, learn how to identify passive-aggressive behavior and what to do about it.

You value transparency and open, honest, communication. So it boils your blood when someone appears angry but doesn’t admit it directly. Maybe they give you the silent treatment but then tell you they’re just tired. Or, they say something nice with a lack of warmth. It doesn’t seem authentic, but they get defensive when you question their sincerity. Sometimes a person uses humor to express hostility and then accuses you of being “too sensitive.” These are all examples of passive-aggressive behavior.

Of course, no one likes it when someone is angry at them, but we know from Dr. John Gottman’s research that people have different values about how they prefer to work through intense emotions. Some people like to talk it out and validate each other’s feelings. Others prefer to let things slide to avoid hurt feelings and long arguments. He named these conflict styles “Avoiding” and “Validating.” Both are functional ways to deal with differences and can lead to long-term relationship happiness. Both styles have risks and benefits. The main risk of the conflict-avoiding style is that, if you aren’t careful, conflict avoidance can turn into passive aggression.


Conflict avoidance couples prefer to hold back strong emotions and let as many issues slide as possible. The advantage of this style is that these couples save time by not getting hung up on irrelevant details of disagreements. However, for this style to succeed long-term, couples need to find a way to address their major issues. Even if they appear small and insignificant, you can’t ignore some problems. They simply don’t disappear with the passage of time. The longer someone tries to pretend everything is fine, the more intense the anger becomes. It ultimately escalates into hostility. What started off as a well-meaning person trying to avoid hurting their partner’s feelings spirals into aggression. Their partner might feel manipulated because they see the thin attempt to pretend the anger doesn’t exist. If enough time goes by, the person might not attempt to hide their anger at all.


Are there some warning signs of passive aggression?

  • You know something’s off, but it might be hard to put your finger on it.
  • You are confident that your partner is mad at you even though they claim they are not.
  • They say they are joking but the joke isn’t funny.
  • You start to wonder if they are talking about you behind your back.
  • Their smiles or kind words seem disingenuous and insincere.

You might ignore your gut and tell yourself you’re just in your own head. If that feeling doesn’t go away, it’s better to address it directly so that it doesn’t worsen.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Choose a time and place to talk to your partner. Make sure you are both calm, relaxed, and free from other obligations or distractions.
  • Use Dr. Gottman’s Gentle Startup to raise your concerns thoughtfully and respectfully by filling in the blanks. I feel ______ about ______ and I need _____. Remember, the conversation is about passive-aggressive behavior, not about the topic of anger. For example, you might say, “I feel confused and frustrated about the jokes you’ve been making about my cooking. I know it’s hard, but I need you to tell me directly when you’re angry at me. Then, we can talk about it and I can understand what you’re feeling.”
  • Listen closely to the response and keep speaking in first person (e.g., using “I” statements) if your partner gets defensive. If they say they were only joking, don’t accuse them of lying. Instead, explain that the jokes aren’t funny to you and feel hurtful.

Passive aggression is a difficult behavior to deal with because it can appear innocent on the outside but hurt deeply on the inside. If you and your partner experience this in your relationship, you’ll benefit from working on it as a problem of its own instead of focusing only on the topic of the conflict.

The post How to Deal With Passive-Aggressive Behavior in Your Relationship appeared first on The Gottman Institute.

Laura Silverstein, LCSW

Laura Silverstein, LCSW

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8 Signs of a Gold Digger to Keep an Eye Out For



Susan Trombetti June 16, 2021

She might be someone you pick up at a hotel bar. She might be a dating app match. She could even be someone you flirt with on your flight to Dubai. Gold diggers are all around you, and they can be a bit challenging to spot. Why? Because they’re master manipulators. Fortunately, I’ve come across many of them in my lifetime, and I’m going to lay out all the signs of a gold digger you need to look out for.

What is a gold digger? Well, it’s anyone whose sole interest in you has to do with your wealth. They may charm you into thinking they actually care about you when all they really care about is the balance in your bank account.

According to a DDB Life Style Study, two in 10 single adults would marry someone solely for their money. And contrary to the stereotype, it’s not just the ladies — a solid 54% of these self-proclaimed gold diggers are men. Male gold diggers are significantly more likely to be part of the Millennial generation (40% are male vs. 25% female), whereas female gold diggers are more likely to be boomers (40% are female vs. 27% male).

Want to spot a gold digger before they max out your black card? Here are some red flags that someone is only dating you for your money.

They have expensive taste — without the funds to back it up.

When you met her, she was wearing red-bottom shoes and had a Chloé bag on her arm. She loves wearing her big flashy Halston belt. And she wouldn’t dream of drinking bubbly if it isn’t Moët. If it’s a guy, he probably drives a blinged-out car, never leaves the house without a Rolex on his wrist, and only imbibes top-shelf single malt scotch.

It’s time to ask yourself: how are they able to support this high-rolling lifestyle? Because if they don’t come from family money, and they don’t have a career that would justify such purchases, that might be a hint that they’re just leeching off other people — like you, and maybe past romantic partners. A gold digger will make it a point to impress you with their expensive taste early on. That way, they can set the standard for what they expect from you in terms of gifts, dates, vacations, etc.

Their social media is just an outlet to brag about their lifestyle.

You can tell a lot about someone’s values by their social media feeds. If you scroll through their Instagram profile and all you see are boastful posts about indulgent spa days at 5-star hotels, luxury vacations, dinners at Michelin-star restaurants, and their latest designer purchases, that should be a big red flag. Why? Because it’s one thing to enjoy the finer things in life, and it’s quite another if your whole life revolves around bragging about them.

They always seem to have a financial crisis.

Last month it was a car repair. Now it’s a doctor’s bill, or needing a new phone. Once a gold digger has hooked you, you might notice that they’ll constantly be in some kind of financial crisis. Some of them may be legitimate, while others may simply be a test to see how much you’re willing to pay to keep them around. Just know that while they may

promise to pay you back for these favors, they probably never will.

They only express gratitude for material things.

You know how they say “it’s the thought that counts?” A gold digger doesn’t get that one bit. Take notice of whether they show appreciation for small gestures — like a heartfelt card, a bouquet of flowers after a long week, or a home-cooked meal. If they don’t seem to react with nearly as much enthusiasm or gratitude as when you buy them a lavish present, then you’ll know that all they see is dollar signs.

They have a shady — or sparse — employment history.

One foolproof way to identify a gold digger is to take a look at their career — or lack thereof. It’s normal to spend some time after college figuring out what you want to do with your life or change jobs a few times before you figure out what you really want to pursue. But if you ask them what they do for work and what their professional goals are and they can’t come up with an answer, that’s worth paying attention to. A gold digger doesn’t have any plans for the future because they have no interest in earning their own income, they’d rather drain your pockets.

They never, ever offer to pay the bill.

It’s not unusual for one partner to foot the bill on dates more frequently at the beginning of a relationship, or even later on if they’re earning significantly more than the other person. That said, if your date never even attempts to contribute, yet only requests to go to expensive establishments, that’s a red flag. Some may convince themselves that you wouldn’t let them pay even if they tried, or that they “deserve” to be pampered. Regardless, if they always seem to get up to go to the bathroom just as the check arrives and you’re left with the tab, you might very well have a gold digger on your hands.

They’re moving at warp speed.

It’s like Kanye West said in his hit song “Gold Digger, “She got one of your kids, got you for eighteen years.” A gold digger won’t hesitate whatsoever to get pregnant with your child or propose to you, because as soon as you become legal spouses or parents then what’s yours is theirs. They’ll feel more secure once they have legal rights to sharing your finances or getting child support from you.

Remember: if someone really cares about spending the rest of their life with you, they’ll be in no rush. They’ll want to build a strong foundation of trust and emotional connection, no matter how much time that takes. So, if they’re not taking steps to do that and attempting to progress things at an uncomfortable or unusual pace, it might be a sign that they don’t actually intend to be with you for the long haul.

She seems way out of your league.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. If the person you’re dating is significantly younger and more attractive than you, it’s time to ask yourself why they might be drawn to you. Sure, there’s a chance that it’s your sparkling personality, your wisdom and maturity, and your character and integrity. But there’s also a solid chance that it’s your baller budget. That’s why it’s crucial to pay attention to when they seem most enthusiastic to be around you. If it’s only when you’re spending money on them, then they’re probably not in this relationship for the right reasons.

I know it can be disappointing to fall for someone only to realize that they’re only interested in you for your money. And as a seasoned relationship investigator and professional matchmaker, I’m dedicated to helping people dodge those bullets. Many of my clients have millions in the bank, and fortunately, I can sniff out a gold digger within mere minutes of meeting them. If you’re tired of meeting people who are disingenuous about their intentions, let me step in to find attractive, educated, successful singles who will actually like you for you — not just the balance in your bank account.

Susan Trombetti, Matchmaker and the CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking.

The post 8 Signs of a Gold Digger to Keep an Eye Out For appeared first on Relationship Development and Transformation.


Susan Trombetti has been seen on Doctor Oz, HLN, Fox, ABC, NBC, ABC, Cosmopolitan, NYPost, Washington Post, Today, and Bravo to name a few. As a leading celebrity matchmaker, relationship expert, and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking, Susan has helped discerning singles across the country discover long-term relationships and partnerships that are both rewarding and fulfilling.

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